Deacons' Giving Tree 2021
sponsored by our Deacons to support
local YWCA & Poland School children
The Deacons are once again hosting The Giving Tree as a way to provide local children with Christmas presents.
Tags are available in the narthex on Sundays. To request a tag during the week, click HERE. The tag(s) you sign up for will be mailed to you.
If you would like to make a monetary donation and have a Deacon shop on your behalf, let Alison know by filling out the form below!
Monetary donations can be put in the offering plate, dropped off or mailed to the church, by Nov. 28th. Be sure and write "Deacon's Giving Tree" on the envelope or memo line of the check.
Contact Alison Kaufman at [email protected] or by phone 216-548-1160 with any questions. Thank you!
Tags are available in the narthex on Sundays. To request a tag during the week, click HERE. The tag(s) you sign up for will be mailed to you.
If you would like to make a monetary donation and have a Deacon shop on your behalf, let Alison know by filling out the form below!
Monetary donations can be put in the offering plate, dropped off or mailed to the church, by Nov. 28th. Be sure and write "Deacon's Giving Tree" on the envelope or memo line of the check.
Contact Alison Kaufman at [email protected] or by phone 216-548-1160 with any questions. Thank you!