Funerals and Memorial Services at Poland Presbyterian Church
A Time to Plan
The death of a loved one, regardless of the circumstances, is a time of significant loss and grief. Because it is difficult to plan appropriately when under the emotional stress of loss, you are encouraged to consider, discuss and even plan in advance the arrangements that will be necessary at the time of your own death or the death of a loved one. This includes decisions about the Christian options of burial, cremation or donation of the body for medical purposes. This brochure has been developed to help you pre-plan your own service, or to be of help to family members or friends at the time of a death. The pastors at Poland Presbyterian Church (PPC) welcome the opportunity to assist you with such planning. They will be glad to keep a record on file of your preferences.
Because We Believe
Because Christians believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting, death is understood to be a natural part of this life. It is the occasion when those who die in the Lord move from this world where all die, to the realm of life eternal lived with the Lord, where death, loss, mourning, crying and pain no longer exist (Rev. 21:4). Christians also experience death as a time of loss when sorrow, grief, and bereavement are both natural and appropriate. These two convictions guide the church in its ministry to those who have lost a loved one to death, affirming with both joy and tears the promise and hope of the gospel.
Grieving in a Community of Hope
Christians do not bear bereavement in isolation, but are sustained by the power of God’s Spirit, the Comforter, and are to be surrounded by the support, consolation and care of the faith community. The pastors of this church have been trained to minister to and provide support and assistance to those who have lost someone to death. They welcome the privilege of ministering to you on such occasions, and stand ready to assist you in such times of need. When death occurs, a member of the pastoral staff should be informed as soon as possible in order that they might provide appropriate consolation and support to you, your family and friends, and assist you in making arrangements for a service that commemorates and gives thanks for the life of the one who has died. These plans should provide for arrangements that are simple, bear witness to resurrection hope, are centered in the witness of Christian scripture as it is read and sung, and include the larger Christian community in prayer and support.
The death of a loved one, regardless of the circumstances, is a time of significant loss and grief. Because it is difficult to plan appropriately when under the emotional stress of loss, you are encouraged to consider, discuss and even plan in advance the arrangements that will be necessary at the time of your own death or the death of a loved one. This includes decisions about the Christian options of burial, cremation or donation of the body for medical purposes. This brochure has been developed to help you pre-plan your own service, or to be of help to family members or friends at the time of a death. The pastors at Poland Presbyterian Church (PPC) welcome the opportunity to assist you with such planning. They will be glad to keep a record on file of your preferences.
Because We Believe
Because Christians believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting, death is understood to be a natural part of this life. It is the occasion when those who die in the Lord move from this world where all die, to the realm of life eternal lived with the Lord, where death, loss, mourning, crying and pain no longer exist (Rev. 21:4). Christians also experience death as a time of loss when sorrow, grief, and bereavement are both natural and appropriate. These two convictions guide the church in its ministry to those who have lost a loved one to death, affirming with both joy and tears the promise and hope of the gospel.
Grieving in a Community of Hope
Christians do not bear bereavement in isolation, but are sustained by the power of God’s Spirit, the Comforter, and are to be surrounded by the support, consolation and care of the faith community. The pastors of this church have been trained to minister to and provide support and assistance to those who have lost someone to death. They welcome the privilege of ministering to you on such occasions, and stand ready to assist you in such times of need. When death occurs, a member of the pastoral staff should be informed as soon as possible in order that they might provide appropriate consolation and support to you, your family and friends, and assist you in making arrangements for a service that commemorates and gives thanks for the life of the one who has died. These plans should provide for arrangements that are simple, bear witness to resurrection hope, are centered in the witness of Christian scripture as it is read and sung, and include the larger Christian community in prayer and support.
Frequently Asked QuestionsMust one be a member of Poland Presbyterian Church to have a funeral or memorial service at the church?
No. This ministry of the church and its pastors is open to all who profess faith in Jesus Christ, whether a member of the congregation or not. May I ask for a particular pastor on the staff? Certainly. For church members, all pastors who are available will normally participate in the service. Non-member requests for a particular pastor can be accommodated depending upon that pastor’s availability. How soon and at what time should the service be? Funeral services are generally held within three to seven days following death, thereby allowing appropriate time for family members and friends to gather for the service. Memorial services can be held at any time. If a funeral is to be followed by a burial that same day, the schedule of the cemetery workers dictates that the service be held in the morning or very early afternoon as cemeteries do not allow a burial to begin after 4 p.m. (It is possible to have a late afternoon or evening service, followed by a burial the next morning). Otherwise, the service should be scheduled for a time that will allow for the greatest number of people to attend. Frequently, weekday services occur before or after the luncheon hour, allowing people to be away from their work for an extended time around noon. Saturday services are often held in late morning, with Sunday services being held an hour after the last worship service. What fees are associated with the service? Fees for the use of the building, its preparation and cleaning following the service, as well as the services of the pastors and musicians are customarily paid through the Funeral Director’s office to the church. The church’s fee structure for use of its facilities is available from the church office. Is it possible to use guest musicians? Yes. However, the musical portion of the service is under the supervision of the officiating pastor and the church’s Director of Music. What about flowers? Floral displays may be ordered through your own florist or one of several the church can suggest to you. Because of the beauty of the sanctuary itself, as well as concerns about good stewardship, we recommend that floral displays remain modest in their size and number. Often, friends and business or professional associates will send floral arrangements. These will be displayed by the funeral director in appropriate places throughout the sanctuary, parlor, narthex, and Fellowship Hall, should there be a reception. If a large photograph or portrait is available, may it be used as a part of the service? Yes. It may be placed either in the narthex, adjacent to the guest book, or on an easel near the casket or urn. May a reception follow the service? Yes. This is an important time for worshipers to greet the family and extend their condolences. It is also a good time for people to engage in further remembrance. The church through its Board of Deacons can provide a lunch. The family should provide the church with an estimate of how many will attend the reception meal. A free-will donation may be made to the church’s Board of Deacons to cover the cost of the meal. May the family designate its desire for memorial gifts? The family may choose various organizations as the recipients of memorial donations. This should be included in the notice published in the newspaper. It may also be included in the worship program. Gifts given to Poland Presbyterian Church will be acknowledged to the donor for tax purposes and a list of those giving such remembrance gifts will be provided to the family for appropriate acknowledgment. What scripture readings do you suggest for funerals and memorial services? This list merely offers suggestions and is not intended to be exhaustive. Old Testament
Job 19:23-27 : Isaiah 40:1-11, 28-31 : Isaiah 40:28-31 Isaiah 65:17 : Psalm 23 : Psalm 46:1-5, 10-11 : Psalm 90:1-10, 12 Psalm 121 : Psalm 130 : Psalm 139:1-12 Epistle Lessons Romans 8:14-23, 31-39 : Romans 14:7-9, 10b-12 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 35-38, 42-44, 50, 53-58 : 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:1 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 : Revelation 21:1-4, 22-25, 22:3-5 : Revelation 22:1-5 Gospels Matthew 5:1-12a : Luke 23:33, 39-43 : John 11:17-27 : John 14:1-6, 25-27 Hymns Our God, Our Help in Ages Past : There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy A Mighty Fortress is Our God : Amazing Grace : How Firm a Foundation Near to the Heart of God : Abide With Me : Give Thanks for Life Now Thank Thee All Our God : The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want The King of Love My Shepherd Is : My Shepherd Will Supply My Needs For All the Saints Who From Their Labors Rest |
Choices to be MadeA number of choices will need to be made beyond the burial, cremation, organ or other donation for medical purposes before the service can be planned.
Policies Concerning the Service The service itself is under the direction of the pastor and will include scripture readings, hymns, brief sermon, and prayers that affirm God’s power over death, belief in the resurrection to everlasting life, and the assurance of the communion of saints. The service will give thanks for the life of the one who has died with special emphasis upon the gifts, attributes, accomplishments and contributions of the person’s life. Family members and/or friends may be invited to participate as leaders in the service at the discretion of the pastor. A request to celebrate the Lord’s Supper as part of the service requires the approval of the Session (the governing body of the congregation) with such a request being made through the pastor. The service is complete in itself and any fraternal, civic or military rites should be conducted separately. When there are important reasons not to hold the service in the usual place of worship, it may be held at another suitable place such as a chapel, home, funeral home, crematorium, mausoleum, columbarium or graveside. The Funeral or Memorial Service The service begins with the gathering of family and the larger community. If a casket has been open for viewing, it shall be closed, covered with a white funeral pall, and placed in the center of the crossing of the sanctuary, in front of the chancel steps. If the body has been cremated and not yet inurned, the urn will be placed on a small table on the chancel adjacent to Communion Table. During this time of gathering the organist or other musicians will play preludes suitable for reflection, meditation and personal prayer. Tributes If tributes are to be offered by family members of friends, these should be brief (2-5 minutes each) Longer remembrances are more appropriately offered during a post committal/inturnment reception or meal. Lessons, Hymns, Anthems and Other Music The service shall include a number of readings from Scripture, the singing of hymns, and may also include anthems or other vocal or instrumental music. The service is designed to give expression to God’s sovereignty over death, confessing God’s power to raise us to new life, and God’s desire to bring comfort in time of loss. The pastor will consult with the family in the choosing of these lessons, hymns and other musical offerings. A list of some appropriate Scripture lessons and hymns is available at the end of this brochure. It is intended to be helpful but not exhaustive. Other readings or music (poetry, inspirational writings or songs) should be presented as a part of the tributes, but must have the prior approval of the past to insure that their messages are consistent with the Christian gospel. Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession Following the reading of the lessons, a brief sermon and musical offering, the pastor will lead the community in prayer. This prayer is a time to give thanks to God for the life of the one who has died, remembering the characteristics, contributions and service that especially endeared the deceased to family, friends, and the faith community. Thanksgiving is also offered for the resurrection hope of the gospel and promised comfort of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is then offered for the support of family and loved ones who are grieving, as well as for those ministering to them and all who have suffered loss. Following a prayer commending the one who has died to the eternal care of God, and for the grace of faith and hope for all present, the pastor will lead the congregation in praying together the Lord’s Prayer. Following a final hymn, the people will be sent forth with a blessing and organ postlude. If a casket is present, the pastor will lead it and the pallbearers out of the sanctuary and to the waiting hearse. The family may follow the casket, in preparation for the cortege to the cemetery or to the Fellowship Hall to greet friends at a reception. Service of Committal A service of committal may take place at the graveside either before or after the main worship service. This service of farewell for family and friends is one of simplicity, dignity and brevity. It will include a brief reading from Scripture, words of committal, prayers, final blessing and dismissal, entrusting the one who has died to the care of God, bearing wtiness to faith in the resurrection to eternal life. It is also possible to hold only a graveside service, which would include Scripture readings, remembrances of the deceased and prayers similar to those in a full service, including the prayer of committal. |